Workflow Manager Users Guide

spacer image imageWelcome to WorkflowManager
spacer image imageAbout PortalsXpress
imageGetting Started
spacer image imageProjects, Tasks, and Templates
spacer image imageSettings
spacer image imageSuggestions for Creating a Project Template
imageWorkflow Interface
spacer image imageWorkflowManager Display
spacer image imageCut, Copy, Paste, Copy as Shared
spacer image imageSorting Items
spacer image imageNavigation
spacer image imageTree Control
spacer image imageShortcut Keys
imageUsing WorkflowManager
spacer image imageRecording Time Spent Screen
spacer image imageDifference Between Time Sheet and Time Slip
spacer image imageTime Sheet
spacer image imageTime Slip
spacer image imageRelated Items
spacer image imageRelated Contacts
spacer image imageSaving or Adding Related Items
spacer image imageRelated Forms
spacer image imageOverview of Padlocks
spacer image imageApplying, Editing, and Removing Padlocks
spacer image imageEstablishing Padlock Permissions
imageAction Scheduler
spacer image imageAction Scheduler Screen
spacer image imageAction Selector Screen
spacer image imageDelivery as an Action
spacer image imageStart Project as an Action
spacer image imageOpen File or Application as an Action
spacer image imageSelect Contact as an Action
spacer image imagePrint Digital Item for Contact
spacer image imageClose Task or Project as an Action
spacer image imageTransfer Task as an Action
imageTask Scheduler
spacer image imageOverview of Tasks
spacer image imageInbox Screen
spacer image imageGroup Inbox Screen
spacer image imageClaim a Task
spacer image imageTask List Icons
spacer image imageTask Status
spacer image imageAdd New Task
spacer image imageAdd Dependent Task
spacer image imageAdd Task Reminder
spacer image imageTask Assignment
spacer image imageView Task Status
spacer image imageView Task Details
spacer image imageUpdate Status/Transfer Task Screen
spacer image imageRecord Task Time
spacer image imageClose a Task
spacer image imageForward a Task
spacer image imageReply to a Task
spacer image imageSuspend a Task
spacer image imageModify a Task
spacer image imageOverview of Workflow Projects
spacer image imageProjects Screen in WorkflowManager
spacer image imageStart Project Screen
spacer image imageStarting a Project
spacer image imageStarting a Sub-Project
spacer image imageSchedule Project Start Time
spacer image imageView Project Details
spacer image imageRecord Project Time
spacer image imagePerpetual Project
spacer image imageProject List Icons
spacer image imageSuspend a Project
spacer image imageDelete a Project
spacer image imageCanceling a Project
spacer image imageOverview of Project Templates
spacer image imageProject Template Screen
spacer image imageCreate New Project Template
spacer image imageModify Existing Template
spacer image imageView Template Details
spacer image imageCopy Existing Template
spacer image imageCopy as Shared
spacer image imageImporting or Exporting a Project Template
spacer image imageNew Template Folder
spacer image imagePersonal Assistant
spacer image imageProject Reports
spacer image imageActive Tasks Report
spacer image imageCreated Projects Report
spacer image imageEstimated Hours by Resource Type Report
spacer image imageGeneral Project Information Report
spacer image imageProject Detail Report
spacer image imageGeneral Information Tab
spacer image imageBudget Information
spacer image imageInsert Token
spacer image imageLink Token
spacer image imageProgress/Notes Screen
spacer image imageOffice-Wide Group
spacer image imageTray Icons
spacer image imageResolving a Critical Error
spacer image imageWeb Based Experience
spacer image imageSystem Requirements
spacer image imageInstalling
spacer image imageUninstalling
spacer image imageCreating a Password
spacer image imageChange your Password
spacer image imageSubscribe Now
spacer image imageGet More Storage
spacer image imageEnabling Document Indexing
spacer image imageIntegration with Messenger
spacer image imageIntegration with Contact Manager
spacer image imageIntegration with Document Manager
imageUsing Help
spacer image imageCustomer Service
spacer image imageContext Sensitive Help
spacer image imageUser Guides
imageGlossary of Terms

Task Scheduler - Inbox Screen

General information
The Inbox screen is one of the three main screens (tabs) when you enter WorkflowManager and displays the list of tasks that are currently assigned to you.

The upper panel of the Inbox provides you with the task name, name of the associated project, as well as the task due date, priority assignment, estimated hours for completion, and the Primary contact.

The lower panel of the Inbox provides information on a single task that you have selected in the upper panel. If the selected task has user entered progress notes those are displayed, if the selected task has no user entered progress notes then the task's details are displayed in the lower panel. If the task has no user entered progress notes or detail information then the task's project details are displayed. The right-click menu selections of the lower pane allow you to easily change the display.

The Quick Task feature that is located at the bottom of the Inbox screen allows you to easily add a task to either the selected project or to a new project. To use this feature enter the task name, due date, estimated hours, priority status, and the associated project then click the Go button. To cause the Quick Task feature to show or not show, go to the WorkflowManager - Settings menu.

The New Task button at the top of the screen will also do the same thing. Click on it and you can enter the task name, task description, due date, estimated hours, who the task should be assigned to and the priority status.

If a task is assigned to you, it means that you are responsible for the completion of the task by the due-date, entering progress notes for the task, and entering the time spent on the task information.

To access the Inbox:

  • Enter WorkflowManager and click on the Inbox tab located at the top of your screen.

Using the Inbox screen you can:
  • Add a new task
  • Reply to or forward (transfer) a task
  • Update the task status
  • Add and view progress notes
  • View or update the details of a task
  • View the details of the task's project
  • View the related documents of the task's project
  • Launch a form or file that is associated with a double-click action to a task
  • Manually enter the time spent on the task or have PortalsXpress automatically track time
  • Access the Personal Assistant menu
  • Open the Primary contact's digital file in ContactManager
  • Add a quick task to an existing project or to a new project

Navigation and Display Tips
Both the upper and lower panels of the Inbox have right-click menus that provide ease in navigation and display of information.

To navigate from the task to its respective project, click on the specific task then click on the "Open this Task's Project" toolbar icon or use the right-click menu selection.

To open the Primary contact's digital file click on the specific task then click on the "Open Primary Contact" toolbar icon or use the right-click menu selection.

The Quick Task feature allows you to add a task to a project from your Inbox.

You can adjust the list column order, column width, and list sort order for your personal preferences.

To make the listing of tasks or the task details section larger or smaller drag the splitter in the middle of the screen up or down. If you mouse over the splitter, the mouse indicator will change so that you can drag the splitter up or down.